Thursday 17 September 2015

Week Four - Digital Law, Rights, and Responsibilities

(September 14th)

This week our class has been encouraged to look at the copyright laws and rights towards using information, music, photos, and media from the internet. I was interested to find out that using photos or pictures from google images is actually stealing! So many people do this but aren't aware of where the images even come from or who they belong too. I am definitely guilty of taking images for my school projects or even for learning stories throughout my early childhood practice. Due to studying at university, we learn all about referencing and citations within our essays and assignments. I understand the importance of acknowledging somebody else's works if they are not our own. These copyright laws encourage us to think twice about what information we are taking or 'borrowing' from the internet and whether it is actually legal to use it ourselves. In New Zealand, it is illegal to be downloading and copying music and videos. Through our online safety research, it is clear how easily this information can be traced back to your computer and if you are caught, you will be finned.

Copyright laws and regulations have been put in place for a reason but so little of us know what they actually are or how they are being used. Thanks to the organisation Creative Commons, owners of information, images, music, and videos are allowing anybody to use their works. Through Creative Commons we can find information that we can legally copy if we show credit to the author or owner. It allows owners to tell the world their images are free to use without having to go through legal rights and laws. 
See article link here: What is Creative Commons?
Also See: Can I download music without breaking the law?

As teachers, it is important for us to be aware of this information and to be teaching children this information at a young age so they know what they are doing and are aware of copyright laws. We shouldn't be copying or 'borrowing' anything off the internet for our own uses without knowing who owns it and where it has come from. By sharing this information with others we will be securing the copyright laws and rights via the internet.

I think it is so important for teachers to be learning this information so we can pass it down to children and students. While in early childhood education, teachers are usually the ones who use the internet, we can act as role models for each other while promoting online safety, security, and laws to young children during its use. I think it is also important for teachers to be aware of any videos they may be downloading for children. 

This information has definitely made me stop and think about the ways I use the internet and to make sure I think twice before using an image or information without knowing where it is from. This website allows you to find free images you can use rather than just taking them off google images and not knowing who they belong to.

- Renee O'Sullivan

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