Wednesday 28 October 2015

Week 10 - responding to feedback

(October 26th)

This week we are responding to the feedback we received from our own "how to" sheet. I am a bit disappointed that only two peers have responded to my sheet, but it has still given me a chance to reflect on what I had submitted.

First peer feedback:

"Kia ora Renee, I had never heard of Story Bird prior to reading your "how to" sheet. You not only have clearly described the possibilities of Story Bird, you've even managed to make me excited about using it. I thought it was fantastic how for step one, you gave me the options to sign up for a private or class account, instead of simply stating "you can sign up at". You considered a teacher's perspective of the resource in an early childhood setting, and rightly pointed out that I would prefer children using it as a resource instead of creating an account too (which would become difficult for teachers to manage). I thought the way you introduced the pathways of each of the four options was fantastic. How cool that you can learn more about the picture's artist, and even use desired images for personalised craft. I think I may download the Lark by Shorebird app on my phone! The centre I'm working at is considering purchasing an iPad too. Now that it's warmer, most of the tamariki prefer going outside during free play, which means the inside teacher could use this app and supervision would be possible with the smaller group of children who prefer to stay inside."

Second peer feedback:

"Thank you for sharing this wonderful site and app!, After reading your "How to sheet" and browsing the site I also believe Storybird would be a great digital resource in not only an Early Childhood Education setting but also Primary. In Primary Education some of the scaffolding you recommended necessary for Early Childhood would be able to be removed over time.
I created an account and found your instructions very simple and easy to follow. Placing an image alongside the description allowed me to look at the screen to ensure I was on the right pathway. You precisely stated a range of benefits Storybird holds within Early Childhood Education.
I can see its benefits for Primary Education especially supporting reluctant readers and writers. I particularly liked how it had a private parent showcase tab making it easy for parents to be apart of their students creative Stories. 
Thank you once again for sharing this resource, I look forward to implementing it into my future classroom."

I am very happy to have received such positive feedback from my peers. I was a bit nervous and unsure about the response I would get as I wasn't sure how easy my sheet was to follow. I am happy with the response as it took me a very long time (5-6 hours!!) to create my "how to" sheet. In response to the comments I received, I agree that this resource can be used well for teachers and learners in education. As explained in the first peer feedback, I am happy that I decided to expand on all of the possible options the website gives you, rather than assuming it was self explanatory to follow. I am also happy that the second peer feedback also thought this website would be well used in a primary school setting. 

It is clear that my "how to" sheet was easy to follow and I am glad I have been able to share this wonderful resource with some of my peers.


At the end of the week, I received two more pieces of feedback. Again, they were positive and once piece of feedback suggested another curriculum link I could have added to my "how to" sheet. This was good advice that I had not picked up on so I made the change and added it it. Other than the added curriculum link, I would not change anything about my "how to" sheet.

Third peer feedback:
"Thank you for introducing me to story bird and for sharing your how to guide in using the app/website. When i downloaded the app/website your step by step guide was very easy to understand and was very useful to have next to me when i downloaded it.  i found it very useful that your how to sheet is taken from a teachers/educators view. I found this useful as it made it easier for me to use and support children within the centre i work in to use it. I used the website/app with a group of children who were under 5's years old, i found that they needed teacher assistance but found that they were all very interested in it as it was a new way for us to work together to create and read books. from sharing this app/website with a group of children i agree with you that it should be used as a resource rather than children creating their own accounts. 
I noticed within your links to the strands of the New Zealand early childhood Curriculum 'Te Whariki' you left out strand one: Well being - Mana Atua. After reading through your how it sheet and looking at the site i feel as though the app/website links to the strand Well being, Goal 2, "children experience an environment where their emotional well-being is nurtured". The app/website allows all children to be involved and you have exampled this within your how to sheet "these pictures can then be turned into stories, books and poems which can be written by you, students or other users". children's emotional well-being is nurtured as they are able to be engaged in their own learning, make thoughtful choices and share these with their peers and teachers, which relates to children's social, cognitive and emotional development"

Fourth peer feedback:
"I really enjoy how you have made your 'how to' link with the colours of your app. It is very visually appealing!!
I have never heard about this app and website, and with your how to sheet this has made me interested in learning more about it. You have made your instructions every clear and precise to make it easy for me to set up my own story bird. This looks like it will be a great app/website for students to use to enhance their interest and abilities within their English.
You have made your instructions very clear and with the photos it makes it easy to follow these. I like how you have taken the screen shots and then drawn on them to be specific about what you are describing. With the side notes that you have added to the side of the screen shots makes it even more evident about what you are explaining.
As I am a primary teacher this would be a fantastic app/website to use within my class. I love the idea of the library that you have described. This will be an excellent tool to set up so you can assign certain books for the students to read to expand their reading.
Story bird sounds like a great tool to use to further interest students within their writing and reading.
Thank you for introducing me to this app and website."

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